Friday 16 September 2016

Why The Witness is my game of the year... so far.

Look, there are a lot of great games this year. Doom, Hitman, Rise of the Tomb Raider, just to name a few. But, there is only one game for me that really stands above the rest as something really special.

The Witness is a game that drops you straight in. There is no cut scene, there is no exposition, it just plonks you into a corridor and lets you work it out for yourself. There are a few games that do this, think Limbo and Inside for example, but none that do it with quite so much style.

I don’t know if it is something to do with it being first person, or because the art style looks so bloody great, but this is a world that I immediately want to explore.

The game gently leads you from one puzzle to the next without you feeling like you are being forced down one specific path, and the clues it gives you, if any at all, are so subtle that sometimes you can be staring at the screen for half an hour before you notice what suddenly seems so obvious.

It is a difficult game to sell anyone on without giving away the answers to some of the puzzles, but I do have to mention the ruined temple in the sand. I was in there for an hour before I worked it out, and when I did I felt like the cleverest (most clever?) arse in the world.

How can a game that is pretty much just thousands and thousands of line puzzles be fun? It just is. Play it, love it, accept it. And if you don’t love it then that’s okay. This is my game of the year so far because only two games left me with an actual fully formed smile on my face. Doom was the other one. But I can’t play that anymore because I am stuck in hell and just keep dying, because I’m not actually that good at playing games. But The Witness? The Witness I can play.

Will it stay my game of the year? We’ll see what happens when Call of Duty comes out. I haven’t really enjoyed a CoD game since Modern Warfare 2, but I have a sneaking suspicion this year is going to be something quite special… Oh and Forza Horizon 3.

Anyway, I’m going to go and play ReCore now. I’ve heard it’s a big pile of wank, but people said that about Sunset Overdrive and I really enjoyed it. Byyeee!!